03 March 2025

Use the Graduate Outcomes Ribbon

The GO Commands ribbon contains the following function buttons.

Graduate Outcomes ribbon

These buttons are described in the following table

This button Does this...

Matches fields chosen in the (select) column. Refer to Match imported data to existing ebs records for further information.

This option is greyed out until a row is selected in the (select) column.

Match Settings

Manages the fields included in the matching process. Refer to Manage data match settings for further information.

This option is greyed out until a row is selected in the (select) column.

Output Creates an XML (Extensible Markup Language) output file. Refer to Output matched data to a local file for further information.
Delete This button is currently unused but is intended for future use.
Go To Allows you to navigate to a module chosen from the drop-down list, for the selected learner.
Funding Year Allows you to choose a specific funding year or display all information.
Open File Allows you to browse for an import file, supplied by the Higher Education Statistics Agency (HESA). Refer to Import a Graduate Outcomes data file for further information.
Select All Selects all available rows in the (select) column.
Deselect All Deselects all available rows in the (select) column.
HESA SA Output Allows you to output HESA Student Alternative data by funding year.